In order to guarantee the best possible services and increase the reliability of the quality of your recruitments, we have decided to commit ourselves to the quality approach proposed by Syntec Conseil en Recrutement.
At the end of a full and detailed audit conducted by this independent organisation, the uncontested industry benchmark in France, our recruitment firm for the hotel, catering and tourism industry was awarded the Syntec Conseil en Recrutement label.
As a guarantee for seriousness and professionalism, this certification has only been awarded to 140 recruitment firms in France including AJ Conseil Recrutement & RH for the hotel and tourism industry.
With the strength of this recognition our headhunting firm complies with the Ethics Charter of Syntec Recrutement and reaffirms its commitments to excellence, transparency and reliability of its processes.
Discover the Code of Ethics of Syntec Recrutement
Charter for responsible recruitment firms and standard terms and conditions of the recruitment firm
More information about Syntec Recrutement:
Notre expertise métiers
Découvrez nos fiches métiers pour mieux recruter vos collaborateurs.